Thank you #liftpeople #lift10

Once again, this edition of Lift Conference has been inspiring, at different levels. Inspiring, thought-provoking talks, format, overall design, experience area.

And people.

Short or longer exchanges, moments, with people (image) unlocked this last inner tiny resisting bolt.
Time for change.
I’ll remain engaged on the sides of Sosoftware, which I am member of the Board of, as a strategic and marketing advisor. Besides this, I would like to explore other tracks, bridging my interests, experience and skills to help other projects, companies, people in the vast field of #digital #marketing. To be specified, yet.

What do you think? Your take? Ideas, maybe?

The image speaks for me (thank you all).

Special thanks to Sevket, designer.

And to Bread-and-Butter for the original poster of Lift and for the overall lift’s design, part of Lift’s success, I am convinced.
(The role of art in interaction, events, has been discussed in René Paré’s workshop)

Random Thoughts – #lift10-10h

See this great image? It’s the work of @MAMK, a brillant -human- mind met during last Lift Conference, on which he mixes many elements not necesserally linked at the beginning.
It’s a story of addition, in addition of being a story of connections and people.

When I think of the 3 coming days, I stumble upon some random thoughts:

How many iPads will there be among the roughly 1000 participants? (I want to see and touch one !) Remembering back to 2007’s conference, not everybody had a laptop! (me included)
– Will there be a “check-ins” war at the CICG? ?
Connected people: some people met at Lift have become friends.
– Connected people: 3 years ago, I was looking around during “networking” breaks, wondering how the hell you “do network”?? Today, I fear not to meet all the people I am looking forward to seeing- again, or for the first time.
connected people: a twitter list to help connecting people before and during the event
Connected people: a question: what will change after these 3 intensely rich days? It is (a Lift Conference), every time a unique occasion of intense questioning. New ideas blossom. New vision takes shape.
– what would look like the addition of all the content produced during 3 days? What could it lead to?
– emotion-connection
But first, place to … the people! And to the inspiring program.

Ready for Lift – Ready for Transformation? #lift10

This – beautiful – image embodies to me the Lift experience, taken in its broader meaning.
It was taken at Lift Marseilles, here’s the breathtaking slideshow by centralasian, whom I borrowed the image to. It was part of the “Atelier des Ondes Parallèles“, by Etienne Rey.

It is beautiful.

At Lift, beauty is omnipresent. Like in front of this image, you feel inspired, beauty opens out all of your censors, you are more receptive, open.
Lights shed on things make emerge unsuspected shapes, colors. You start seing things differently, under unusual angles.
A connection can be made through intellectual analysis as well as through emotional or human interaction.
Like this suspension, it is moving and you move along, you follow a movement, without knowing precisely where this will lead you to.
Under its light, the prism of colors will overlay over your skin, like a superficial metamorphosis, but, once back to normal daylight, its effects will dive deep into your roots. The roots of a slight transformation.

The link between beauty and connection is one convergent track I strongly believe in. And transformation takes birth at a converging point between beauty and connections, where sharing could be seen as one of the underlying links.
All the heart of the theme: Connected People.

Being more and more connected, not always only with positive aspects, I am very curious and open to what will come up during these 3 days.
For my 5th Lift Conference, I’m ready for letting the transformation go one step further.

And you? Will you be at #lift10? what are your main expectations? Hopes?

Image credit: taken on “Playing Futures”