Read My #Paperli Daily News Rather Than My Twitter Account

A couple of months ago, during a lift@home event – Think Data, sitting among a couple of other “happy fews”, we assisted to the presentation of a brand new project, called ““, by Small Rivers. The idea? To create a new kind of “newspaper”, online, offering the quintessence of curated information through the lense of a person (until now, her or his Twitter account) by a subtle and complex aggregation between the shared tweets of that person and followers. The initial project has improved a lot, allowing for instance to create a newspaper based on a #hashtag or a Twitter list.
paperli claudiafalt ClaudiaFaltysBenassi Daily

One of the main benefits is to offer to a specific audience an “augmented information“: selected, curated, and augmented by the “curator” and her/his “followers”. The resulting aggregated information, displaying multi-media formats – videos, pictures, slideshare, tags, themes, real-time tweets, selected articles, links, ..- is a highly value-added information.

In these times where it is very challenging to sort the “good” information out of an ever-increasing “noise”, this Daily Newspaper is a breathe of fresh air… and a gain of time!

For your followers, for your company, for your customers, try to think of the best that could offer them most of added-value? Think of a theme (a hashtag on Twitter), a Twitterlist?

For me, for you, I’m of the meaning that, aka The ClaudiaFaltysBenassi Daily is of higher value than my Twitter account (@claudiafalt), if you want to have a “bigger picture” of the key trends and sectors I follow and share. Above all if your are NOT on Twitter.
Some great examples I like to follow:
The #etourisme Daily: a field I’m active and interested in (in French, here), gives me in a glimpse the major information of the latest 24 hours. Easy to stay up-to-date, easy to share!
The Musee de l’Elysee Daily : for personal interest in arts (in my region and wider)
The EdelmanDigital Daily: for same kind of things as on mine, but far more popular! (shared by @armano) (Note: I don’t publicize my Daily on Twitter)
So many interesting newspapers out there!

Personnally, I decided to share this link as one of my major (most representative) digital accounts on my LinkedIn Status and added it to my other “websites”. Still thinking how to organize next steps, for example for the business card.

Since I’m committed to share information that 1. I read thoroughly 2. I think is worth to share, and since I decided to broadcast my daily, I’ll be more restrictive with the people I follow, in order to offer a valuable information.

For the moment, as you cannot interact yet via, it’s still a restriction for a broader adoption (as of right now, but things seem to evolve very quickly).

But you can already import your Daily paper into a blog or site (click on “promote”), (not yet for

For more, up-to-date information, on Twitter, follow @SmallRivers

And you? Did you plan to integrate a Daily on your blog? For your company?
Do you already follow some’s Daily News? Would you like to share them?
Here’s a video of one of the co-founders explaining during lift10Conference (via the article below)

Some more articles (French): la veille sur Twitter
Le Temps: SmallRivers, de l’eau au moulin des média

#FF Follow Not Only Friday in More than 140 Char.

See, Twitter has influenced even the way you write your blog’s titles!

Why this strange idea to write a Twitter list not on Twitter, but on a blog?

Because I need more than 140 characters to describe some of the people I enjoy following on Twitter and why you could be happy to discover them…

The true value of the “Follow Friday”‘s tradition is to help your followers find value in following new people/accounts (that you follow).

To follow the people mentioned below will help you (if you’re on Twitter) get value.

They’re all based in Switzerland, human connections are complex.

@BristolGva : because I’m among their favs!! Seriously, their communication is at equal level with the quality of their service and restaurant: fresh, tasty, generous!

@VMarchand: because she is the CEO of! Her tweets are highly focused on the French part of the Swiss Advertising market, but she shares more developed insights on her blog and in a Swiss business review. A touch of humour combined with a caliente character for hot tweets.

@stephanekoch : I follow him to be sure that he follows me! But he’s one the very few I check regularly the tweets to be sure that I didn’t miss something essential in issues regarding digital trends: security, politics, marketing, strategy, social media, and more. Expert. Serious. But not only.

@annajobin : a meteorite. A unique mix of grace, sensitivity, sharing and learning passionately, pouring some sociologists drops into her mixture.

@carobertazzo : as already mentioned in a tweet, a sharp mind, it seems that she tries hard, with no compromise, to understand deeply the world’s complexity!

@cmic : the only person of the list I haven’t met (yet?) personnally, but she gives a thorough overview of technical, political, social, trends. Also a generous “sharer”, making connections, curating the information.

@ideadetective : for a sharp focus on innovative ideas, follow him, your next (big?) idea might pop up !

@oliviertripet : if you want to know more about the hot topic of the moment, Community Management, follow him, he has developed a community for community managers. Where you get true insights, a reflexion, reflexion tracks, and much more. “He does as he says”, and this is highly valuable.

Final word: they all don’t (really) mind if they have the biggest……. number of followers!

And sorry for all the others I follow with high interest, this is not an exclusive list, just another way to say #FF (and thank you).